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Date : 2020-01-15
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Ancient archaea how life on Earth began Science Weekly ~ Ancient archaea how life on Earth began Science Weekly podcast Around 35bn years ago the first forms of life emerged bacteria and archaea These socalled prokaryotes had the Earth to
Archaea prokaryote Britannica ~ Archaea are microorganisms that define the limits of life on Earth They were originally discovered and described in extreme environments such as hydrothermal vents and terrestrial hot springs They were also found in a diverse range of highly saline acidic and anaerobic environments
Archaea an overview ScienceDirect Topics ~ Archaea are singlecelled microorganisms with structure similar to bacteria They are evolutionarily distinct from bacteria and eukaryotes and form the third domain of life Archaea are obligate anaerobes living in environments low in oxygen water soil
Archaea ScienceDirect ~ Archaea display a wide range of lifestyles including anaerobic and aerobic respiration fermentation chemoautotrophy heterotrophy and photoheterotrophy Through these various energy metabolisms many archaea are able to fix carbon from inorganic sources making them major ecological actors in the Earth’s global geochemical cycles
This Strange Microbe May Mark One of Life’s Great Leaps ~ Bacteria and archaea have no nuclei lysosomes mitochondria or skeletons Evolutionary biologists have long puzzled over how eukaryotes could have evolved from such simple precursors In the
What are archaea Curious ~ Archaea are famous for their love of living in extreme environments If it’s super hot more than 100° Celsius freezing acidic alkaline salty deep in the ocean even bombarded by gamma or UV radiation there’s probably life there and that life is probably archaeal species Of course
Archaea Wikipedia ~ Archaea are particularly numerous in the oceans and the archaea in plankton may be one of the most abundant groups of organisms on the planet Archaea are a major part of Earths life They are part of the microbiota of all organisms In the human microbiota they are important in the gut mouth and on the skin
Archaea Definition of Archaea by MerriamWebster ~ usually singlecelled prokaryotic microorganisms of a domain Archaea that includes methanogens and those of harsh environments such as acidic hot springs hypersaline lakes and deepsea hydrothermal vents which obtain energy from a variety of sources such as carbon dioxide acetate ammonia sulfur or sunlight Characterized under the heading archaea these creatures have an amazing lineage that extends deep in the geologic record to the twilight of Earths organic origins
Genomic exploration of the diversity ecology Science ~ Archaeal diversity and evolution Archaea are prokaryotes that make up a third branch of the tree of life Knowledge of archaeal biological diversity and their role in evolution has rapidly expanded in the past decade Despite the discovery of previously unknown groups and lineages few lineages have been well studied
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